Your Success is Our Business


Our Brief History

I would first like to thank you for taking an interest in our company. By choosing us as your Project Management company  you have made a commitment to yourself and a commitment to excellence. We have over 30 years of experience working with various clients.

Rising Eagle Partners, LLC started in Garden Grove, CA back in 2008. Today we are located in the Anaheim Hills, CA area and our organization continues to grow.

Chuck Yocom

Chuck Yocom started working construction in the Army Corps of Engineers and after he retired from the Army, he launched into the private sector.  He worked many Project Management jobs for other people and in 2008 decided to do it for himself.  Although the times have not always been great, it has been Chuck's determination and skill that have led this company to where it is today. 

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"The Pasadena Courthouse was in deperate need of a Seismic Upgrade as a result of the 1994 Northridge earthquake.  The entire facade was damaged and what did not fall from the quake had to be taken off for safety reasons.  The building looked horrible and was in danger of major damage from another quake.  Rising Eagle Partners, LLC brought in a seismic upgrade crew as a part of the LA County upgrade program and upgraded the building against earthquakes and made it one of the best looking buildings in Pasadena."